Monday, May 2, 2011

Week 17 and 18

We spent last week in California.  This week when we returned I was ready to do more work on the barn.  I was downtown talking with the assessors office about combining our two lots back together for tax reasons.  While I was there I decided to stop by the fire station (right next door) and ask about burning the thousands of branches all over the property.  They said I could get a burn permit, but the burn permit season ended at the end of the week.  So, I had to run around the yard and pile up all of the debris so that I could burn it all in the next couple of days.
It rained for a while and then finally on Friday, the sun was out and the piles were dry, so I was able to get rid of a ton of branches and wood.
The only other project that I got done was a great new greenhouse cover for one of our raised beds in our current home.  The seedlings are doing well, and we cant wait to plant the garden this year.
More signs of spring....


  1. So Excited to see the progress, and the baby garden! Yay! Leave room for my goats, ok? :) She

  2. There is plenty of room for a couple of animals. There will also be a guest bedroom, Sheila (just FYI).
